Course Description
Autism for Line Managers
How has this course been developed?
This 3 hour course has been developed in-line with the latest research and empirical studies relating to aspects of autism-affirming line management and balanced with 10 years professional experience of supporting autistic people and their line managers as well as lived experience of the specific subject matter .
What is the overall course aim?
This course aims to develop a strong understanding of how to support undiagnosed, undisclosed, disclosed or self-recognising autistic line reports. You will gain an understanding of how to support in an autism-affirming way and how to motivate your team to engage with autism-affirming changes to practice and processes.
What are the expected learning outcomes?
- Good understanding of autism
- Understand the Equality Act 2010 and reasonable adjustments in relation to autism
- Understand how to support disclosure and confidentiality
- Understand common autistic strengths and talents at work
- Aware of supportive new starter processes and at work line manager support
- Understand neuro-normative workplace culture and it's drawbacks
- Understand how to manage the competing needs of a neurodiverse team
- Aware of practical strategies to support difficult and sensitive conversations
- Workshop practical and tailored strategies to adapt your personal and team practice to be autism-affirming
- Aware of how to access additional strategies and resources to support your autism-affirming team change
Who is this course for?
This course has been designed for line managers, directly supporting or indirectly supporting an autistic employee or not. No previous knowledge or training is required, however attendees should have a good basic understanding of what autism is.